Add a Menu Navbar based on Bootstrap. Easy editing with live preview.
Module create layout Hero for website. Compatibility J!4.3
You can choose layout with:
- Image Center
- Image Left
- Image Right
This module work only on single Article. This module get artiles same category with the active article, and show 3 list: list of latest articles of category, list of article which the date Created after the date of active article; ist of article which the date created before the date of active article. Compatibility J!4.3
This module displays a list of articles column. You can control image float left or right; and change width of images. Work with template base on boostrap 5. Compatibility J!4.3
This module displays a list of articles, display multi column item in row. Work with template base on boostrap 5. Compatibility J!4.3
Select articles to show. This module display a single selected article or a list of selected articles. Compatibility J!4.3
Create list FAQ with title and content. When click title, content slide collapse show content. Work with template UI and layout are based on the Bootstrap 5. Compatibility J!4.3
Create Carousel Bootstrap, work with template based on the Bootstrap 5. Compatibility J!4.3
Module Xiroweb Insert Html/JS/CSS Code: Insert raw code html to source html web. Use this module to Insert code from Adsense, Facebook plugin, Google tags, Google Ads remarketing... Compatibility J!4.3
Create touch slides with simple effects. For the beauty design, the slide images should be the same size. Compatibility J! 4.3